IT vulnerability management is a critical component of an organization's security strategy. This capability helps to identify and remediate vulnerabilities in information systems and networks, reducing the risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches.


IT vulnerability management is a proactive approach to risk management that involves identifying, assessing, and remediating vulnerabilities in information systems and networks. It is an ongoing process that requires regular scanning, testing, and remediation to ensure that the organization's security posture remains strong and up-to-date.

The impact of IT vulnerability management can be significant, including reducing the risk of data breaches, protecting against cyber threats and attacks, and improving compliance with regulatory requirements. It helps organizations to identify vulnerabilities in their systems before they are exploited by threat actors, reducing the risk of security incidents.


IT vulnerability management is a comprehensive process that involves the identification, assessment, and remediation of vulnerabilities in information systems and networks. Here are some of the capabilities that Nascent Global Offers.

Vulnerability scanning

IT vulnerability management involves regular vulnerability scanning to identify potential security vulnerabilities in the organization's systems and networks. This capability helps to ensure that vulnerabilities are identified and remediated promptly.

Vulnerability assessment

IT vulnerability management involves assessing the severity, impact, and likelihood of exploitation of identified vulnerabilities. This capability helps organizations to prioritize vulnerabilities based on their risk level and allocate resources effectively to remediate them.

Remediation management

IT vulnerability management includes managing the remediation of identified vulnerabilities, including implementing patches, configuration changes, or other security measures. This capability ensures that vulnerabilities are remediated promptly and effectively.

Reporting and metrics

IT vulnerability management includes reporting on vulnerability status and performance metrics, such as the number of vulnerabilities identified, the number of vulnerabilities remediated, and the time to remediate vulnerabilities. This capability helps organizations to track progress, demonstrate the ROI of vulnerability management, and identify areas for improvement.

Integration with other security functions

IT vulnerability management should be integrated with other security functions, such as incident response, threat intelligence, and risk management. This capability ensures that vulnerabilities are addressed within the context of the organization's overall security strategy.

Continuous improvement

IT vulnerability management involves ongoing review and improvement to ensure that the process remains effective in the face of evolving threats and changing business needs. This capability helps to ensure that the organization remains proactive in managing security risks and reducing the risk of security incidents.